Laboratory Investigations

Laboratory Investigations

 Turn Around Time
 General Medicine
 Continuous Glucose Monitoring Service
 Sublingual Microcirculation Assesment
 Pathology & Laboratory
 (Hb,TLC,DLC,Platelet count, ESR, RBC indices)
 2 hrs
 Peripheral smear examination
 4 hrs
 Reticulocyte count
 2 hrs
 Bone-marrow examination(aspiration and trephine)
 with iron stores
 3 - 10 days
 Sickling test
 4 hrs
 Osmotic Fragility
 24 hrs
 Acid elution test for HBF estimation
 4 hrs
 Sucrose Lysis test for PNH
 24 hrs
 NESTROFT test for thalassemia trait
 4 hrs
 Clinical pathology
 Urine (Routine and microscopy)
 2 hrs
 Urine microalbuminuria
 30 min
 Body fluid (cell count)
 1 hr
 Seminal fluid analysis / Processing semen sample for IUI
 24 hrs / 2 hrs
 Fine needle aspiration cytology
 24 hrs
 Fluid cytology
 30 mins - 2 hrs
 PAP Smear
 24 hrs
 Slit-skin smear
 4 hrs
 Slide & Block review
 3 days
 Aerobic Culture & Antibiotic sensitivity testing
 48 hrs
 Rapid Card Test for Leptospirosis
 Same day
 Gram Staining
 Same day
 Albert Stain
 Same day
 ZN staining
 Same day
 Stool Microscopy for screening of Cholera
 Same day
 KOH Mount for fungal elements
 Same day
 Fungal Culture
 Depends on the
 type of fungus
 Peripheral smear examination for Malaria parasite
 Same day
 Stool Microscopy for parasites
 Same day
 Occult Blood
 Same day
 Rapid Card Test for Malaria
 Same day
 Viral Serology
 HBV (HBsAg Detection)
 Same day
 Antibody to HCV
 Same day
 Dengue serology
 Same day
 Bacterial Serology
 RPR test
 Same day
 Widal Test
 Same day
 Anti streptolysin O test
 Same day
 Other Serological
 Rheumatoid Factor
 Same day
 C- Reactive Protien
 Same day
 Water Testing
 Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
 24 hrs
 Postprandial Blood Sugar (PPBS)
 24 hrs
 Random Blood Sugar (RBS)
 24 hrs
 24 hrs
 24 hrs
 Total Cholesterol
 24 hrs
 24 hrs
 HDL Cholesterol
 24 hrs
 Lipid Profile
 24 hrs
 Serum Protein
 24 hrs
 Serum Albumin
 24 hrs
 Serum Creatinine
 24 hrs
 Blood Urea
 24 hrs
 Uric Acid
 24 hrs
 KFT/RFT (Urea, Creatinine, Na+/K+/Cl-)
 24 hrs
 T3 & T4
 Testosterone (Total)
 Serum (HCG)
 Anti & TPO antibodies (THYROID ANTIBODY(TPO))
 Vitamin B12 (SERUM B12 ASSAY)
 Serum insulin (INSULIN)
 Folic Acid