Office Order/Circular/Notice
S.No. News Date Download
347 स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय द्वारा दुर्लभ बीमारियों के लिए क्राउड फंडिंग पोर्टल 30-11-2024
346 List of Eligible and Not Eligible Faculty Members for promotion under "New Assessment Promotion Scheme" 29-11-2024
345 Relieving and Nomination of the Chairperson, Hospital Procurement Committee (HPC), AIIMS Bhopal 26-11-2024
344 Nomination of Representative for Technical Specification cum Evaluation Committee (TSEC) or negotiation committee at AIIMS Bhopal reg. 26-11-2024
343 Office Order : Approving authority in case of Bid Openings of various tenders at AIIMS Bhopal reg.- 12-11-2024
342 Re-constitution of committee for opening of tender (Technical Bid & financial Bid) and Evaluation of Tender Documents in ABEU. 11-11-2024
341 Reconstitution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee at AIIMS Bhopal reg 06-11-2024
340 Officiating charge of Executive Engineer in the Engineering Department, AIIMS Bhopal reg. 06-11-2024
339 Appeal for Adherence to Information Dissemination Guidelines 08-10-2024
338 Appeal for Participation in the CME on 9th & 10th October at AIIMS Bhopal 08-10-2024
337 Waiting list of residential accommodation, AIIMS Bhopal 28-09-2024
336 Office Order: Assigning the charge of Faculty In Charge, Central Stores, AIIMS Bhopal reg. 25-09-2024
335 Office Order: Assigning the officiating charge of Senior Procurement cum Store Officer at AIIMS Bhopal 25-09-2024
334 Order no. 5506 employees against whom disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken 23-12-2022
333 Order No. 1275: Employees against whom disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken 25-03-2023
332 The Roles and responsibilities of Deputy Director (Admin.)
331 The Roles and responsibilities of Director/ Executive Director
330 Office Order: Power and duties of LO 30-11-2021
329 Office Order: Power and duties of PRO 06-02-2023
328 Office Order: Power and duties of SAO/ACE/AO/AAOs 13-06-2024
327 A Framework for Transparency Audit (Finance Data) 18-09-2024
326 Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees 18-09-2024
325 परिपत्र : संस्थान में हिंदी पखवाड़ा 2024 का आयोजन 04-09-2024
324 (OO_1042) : Committee to monitor and implement safety measures at AIIMS Bhopal reg. 21-08-2024
323 (OO_1044) : Nominating Central Vigilance Officer (CVO) and reconstituting of Central Vigilance Cell at AIIMS Bhopal reg. 21.08.2024
322 (OO_1045) : Transfer order of various Officers/Employees of AIIMS Bhopal reg. 21-08-2024
321 Timely Reporting of Violence Against Healthcare Workers at AIIMS Bhopal reg. 17-08-2024
320 Timely Reporting of Violence Against Healthcare Workers at AIIMS Bhopal reg. 17-08-2024
319 परिपत्र: 15 अगस्त 2024 पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम का विवरण 13-08-2024
318 संस्थान में हिंदी पखवाड़ा के आयोजन हेतु गठित 09-08-2024
317 CME on "OMICS For the Clinics: A Precision Medicine Primer" at AIIMS Bhopal 10-08-2024
316 Transfer of Ms. Gulnaaz Bushra, Storekeeper, AIIMS Bhopal reg 07-08-2024
315 Office Order: Constitution of Committee for organizing National Festivals at AIIMS Bhopal 31-07-2024
314 Withdrawal of Seniority List of Store Keeper at AIIMS, Bhopal 15-07-2024
313 Draft Seniority List of Nursing Officers at AIIMS Bhopal. 12-07-2024
312 Committee for opening of tender (Technical Bid & Financial Bid) and Evaluation of Tender Documents in ABEU. 10-07-2024
311 Final Seniority List of Medical Social Service officer Grade-I 30-05-2024
310 स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण विभाग नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित की जा रही गृह पत्रिका में प्रकाशन हेतु रचनाएं आमंत्रित किए जाने के संबंध में । 10-04-2024
309 SOP for Amendment 2.0 of Residential Accommodation 05-03-2024
308 OFFICE ORDER: Reconstituted Sports committee 28-02-2024
307 Seniority List of Non- Faculty Employees 30-12-2023
306 Office Order: Nominating Nodal Officer for Mission Karmayogi 20-12-2023
305 संस्थान की गृह पत्रिका साध्य प्रतिबंब के चतुर्थ अंक में प्रकाशनार्थ रचनाएं/लेख आमंत्रित किए जाने के संबंध में । 14-12-2023
304 Circular Regarding Winter Vacation for MBBS 2023 09-12-2023
303 Waiting list of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation and vacancy status of qtrs in AIIMS housing complex 24-11-2023
302 दिनांक 14.11.2023 को जारी कार्यालय ज्ञापन क्र. 5160 का आंशिक संशोधन 15-11-2023
301 कार्यालय ज्ञापन : १७ नवम्बर को मतदान हेतु विशेष आकस्मिक अवकाश 14-11-2023
300 Do’s and Don’ts for Prevention of Burns on Diwali 08-11-2023
299 Final List of Eligible and Not Eligible Faculty Members for Promotion under "New Assessment Promotion Scheme" 04-11-2023
298 Permission to Dr. Shikha Jain, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology, AIIMS Bhopal to participate in the APS interviews scheduled from 06.112023 to 09.11.2023 03-11-2023
297 कार्यालय आदेश : सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह 2023 के दौरान आयोजित विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओ के परिणाम के संबंध में 03-11-2023
296 Office Order: Nominating Chairperson for AIIMS Bhopal MOU & Innovation Committee reg. 26-10-2023
295 Office Order: Nominating Chairman for the Center for Medical Medical Education Technology (CMET) Committee reg. 26-10-2023
294 Office Order: Assigning the charge of Officiating Superintending Engineer, AIIMS Bhopal 26-10-2023
293 OFFICE ORDER (responsibility of Officiating Stores Officer - II ) of Shri Gyanendra Bhushan Prasad, Assistant Stores Officer, AIIMS, Bhopal. 26-10-2023
292 Appointment of Prof. Rehan-Ul-Haq, Professor and Head, Department of Orthopaedics as the Dean (Research) AIIMS Bhopal 23-10-2023
291 Appointment of Prof. Rajnish Joshi, Professor and Head, Department of General Medicine as the Dean (Academics) AIIMS Bhopal 23-10-2023
290 List of Eligible and Not Eligible Faculty Members for Promotion under "New Assessment Promotion Scheme" 28-10-2023
289 सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह 2023 के आयोजन के संबंध में। 28-10-2023
288 Office Order : Nominating Chairperson for the Steering Committee for Centre of Precision 09-10-2023
287 14 सितंबर, 2023 को हिंदी दिवस के अवसर पर कार्यपालक निदेशक महोदय द्वारा जारी एक अपील 14-09-2023
286 एम्स, भोपाल में दिनांक 05 सितंबर 2023 को प्रातः 11.00 बजे से एल टी - 02 में आयोजित की जा रही एक दिवसीय हिंदी कार्यशाला के संबंध में । 29-08-2023
285 एम्स, भोपाल में दिनांक 14 से 29 सितंबर, 2023 के दौरान हिंदी पखवाड़ा के आयोजन के संबंध में । 28-08-2023
284 Regarding Internship for Non-MBBS Program for candidates from outside AIIMS Bhopal. 10-08-2023
283 आवासीय आवास आवंटन सूची 02-08-2023
282 विभिन्न जांचों को निर्धारित करने और उनकी रिपोर्टिंग के संबंध में सलाह 27-07-2023
281 कार्यालय आदेश: एम्स भोपाल में पूर्व छात्र समन्वय समिति 26-07-2023
280 कार्यालय आदेश: एम्स भोपाल में परिवहन समिति 26-07-2023
279 गृह मंत्रालय, राजभाषा विभाग, नई दिल्ली की ओर से हिंदी के प्रयोग हेतु जारी वित्तीय वर्ष 2023-24 के वार्षिक कार्यक्रम में निर्धारित लक्ष्यों की प्राप्ति के संबंध में 21-07-2023
278 Constitution of Committees for Tribal Health Brain-Storming Event- 25.07.2023. 15-07-2023
277 Regarding PhD Thesis Defense Viva 12-07-2023
276 दिनांक 05.07.2023 को आयोजित विभागीय राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की तिमाही बैठक के दौरान जारी निर्देशों के अनुपालन के संबंध में 10-07-2023
275 Circular : Guidelines for use of IT Devices 07-07-2023
274 Office Order: Reconstitution of SC-ST Grievance Redressal and Welfare Committee at AIIMS Bhopal 28-06-2023
273 Office Order: Reconstitution of Centre for Medical Education Technology (CMET) Committee at AIIMS Bhopal 28-06-2023
272 Office Order: Regarding promotion from the post of Nursing Officer to the post of Sr. Nursing Officer, AIIMS, Bhopal. 24-06-2023
271 एम्स, भोपाल में दिनांक 26 जून 2023 प्रातः 11.00 बजे से एल टी - 02 में आयोजित की जा रही एक दिवसीय हिंदी कार्यशाला के संबंध में । 24-06-2023
270 कार्यालय आदेश: एम्स भोपाल में सटीक चिकित्सा केंद्र के लिए एक संचालन समिति का गठन 15-06-2023
269 कार्यालय आदेश: एम्स, भोपाल में सेंटर हैप्पीनेस के लिए एक संचालन समिति का गठन 15-06-2023
268 आवास आवंटन 2023 की प्रतीक्षा सूची एवं रिक्ति की स्थिति 08.06-2023 तक 09-06-2023
267 Amendment in Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Housing Committee 09-06-2023
266 कार्यालय आदेश : गृह-मंत्रालय, राजभाषा विभाग, नई दिल्ली से वित्तीय वर्ष 2023-24 के लिए जारी वार्षिक कार्यक्रम में निर्धारित लक्ष्यों की प्राप्ति के संबंध में । 06-06-2023
265 एम्स, भोपाल में नर्सिंग संवर्ग में नर्सिंग अधिकारी के पद की संशोधित अंतिम वरिष्ठता सूची। 03-06-2023
264 OFFICE ORDER : Guidelines for grant of permission to the faculty members of the Institute to attend various scientific conferences and other assignments in India and Abroad 27-05-2023
263 Office Order regarding confirmation of services of Nursing Officer in AIIMS Bhopal. 31-05-2023
262 एम्स, भोपाल में नर्सिंग ऑफिसर संवर्ग (नर्सिंग ऑफिसर) के पद की संशोधित मसौदा वरिष्ठता सूची। 30-05-2023
261 कार्यालय आदेश : एम्स, भोपाल में नर्सिंग कर्मियों के रोटेशन पर मानक दिशानिर्देश 24-05-2023
260 कार्यालय आदेश: एम्स भोपाल में एक छात्र मेस प्रबंधन समिति का गठन 23-05-2023
259 Officer Order: Nominating Nodal Officer for Memorandum of Association (MOA) between AIIMS Bhopal and NCDIR (DHR), MoHFW 20-05-2023
258 Circular: Regarding admission of patient under the unit and not under the name of any of the faculty member 19-05-2023
257 Office Order: Constitution of the Rogi Kalyan Samiti at AIIMS Bhopal 16-05-2023
256 Office Order: Appointment of Central Public Information Officer (Nursing & MS. Estt.) related affairs 10-05-2023
255 Office Memorandum: Disbursal of Intramural Research Grant to AIIMS Bhopal faculty members 08-05-2023
254 Nominating Nodal Officer for Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between AIIMS, Bhopal and ECHO India 08-05-2023
253 Office Order: Reconstitution of the Institute Ethics Committee for Student Research at AIIMS Bhopal 03-05-2023
252 Office Order: Constitution of Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) Committee at AIIMS, Bhopal 03-05-2023
251 Office Order: Constitution of the Editorial Board for FUTURE HEALTH: The Official Multidisciplinary Journal of AIIMS, Bhopal 03-05-2023
250 Office Order: Re-constitution of Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) at AIIMS, Bhopal 02.05.2023
249 Office Order: Delegation of Financial Powers of Executive Director, AIIMS Bhopal to the Deputy Director (Admin.) AIIMS Bhopal and Medical Superintendent, AIIMS Bhopal 02-05-2023
248 Office Order: SC-ST Grievance Redressal and Welfare Committee at AIIMS Bhopal 02-05-2023
247 एम्स अस्पताल के मरीजों की लैब रिपोर्ट 24X7 उपलब्ध कराने के संबंध में 26-04-2023
246 Office Order: All Recruitment Committees/Interview Board/Disciplinary Committees representative of SC/ST/OBC/PWD and Ex-Servicemen reg. 24-04-2023
245 Office Order: Constitution of a Safety Committee at AIIMS, Bhopal 20-04-2023
244 OO-590 : Constitution of LT/Auditorium Committee at AIIMS Bhopal 18-04-2023
243 Office Order: Assigning the charge of DDO of Research Cell, AIIMS, Bhopal. 19-04-2023
242 Office Order: Re-Constitution of Transit Hostel Committee at AIIMS Bhopal 18-04-2023
241 Office Order: Constitution of the Tender Committee at AIIMS Bhopal 18-04-2023
240 Nominating Nodal Officer for Memorandum of Association between AIIMS, Bhopal and MANIT, Bhopal 17-04-2023
239 Office Order : Assigning the Additional Duties of Faculty In-charge Legal Affairs and Co-faculty In-charge Legal Affairs at AIIMS Bhopal 18-04-2023
238 Final Seniority List of the post in the Nursing Cadre (Nursing Officers) at AIIMS, Bhopal 18-04-2023
237 दिनांक 18.04.2023 को प्रातः11.00 बजे निदेशक बोर्ड कक्ष में कार्यपालक निदेशक महोदय की अध्यक्षता में आयोजित विभागीय राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की तिमाही बैठक की सूचना 17-04-2023
236 Office Order: Funding of Workshop/Seminar/Conferences of local/state/National/International by AIIMS Bhopal 13-04-2023
235 कार्यालय ज्ञापन : दिनांक 14 अप्रैल को डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर के जयंती के अवसर पर सार्वजनिक अवकाश के संबंध में 12-04-2023
234 NOTIFICATION - Suspension of OPD and Hospital Services on 04th April 2023 (Tuesday) 03-04-2023
233 Seniority list of Dieticians at AIIMS, Bhopal. 03-04-2023
232 AIIMS Bhopal Alumni event invitation - 1st April 2023 27-03-2023
231 Seniority list of Medical Social Service Officer Grade-I at AIIMS, Bhopal. 24-03-2023
230 Details of 2nd convocation of AIIMS Bhopal dated 02 April, 2023 22-03-2023
229 Guidelines regarding Yellow Fever Vaccination 06-03-2023
228 परिपत्र : प्रधानमंत्री निक्षय पोषण योजना के संबंध में 14-02-2023
227 Creche Facility at AIIMS Bhopal 13-02-2023
226 RRB Meeting Calendar for the year 2023 31-01-2023
225 Office Order : Committee for opening of Tender (Technical Bid & Financial Bid) and evaluation of Tender Bid document in ABEU 31-01-2022
224 List of Eligible Applicants and Schedule for the Interviews of the New Assessment Promotion Scheme at AIIMS Bhopal 25-01-2023
223 Committee for Evaluation of cost escalation for the work of construction of police post near residential area at AIIMS bhopal. 25-01-2023
222 Creche Facility Form 24-01-2023
221 Waiting List for Housing Allotment 2023 and vacancy status updated upto 13-01-2023 13-01-2023
220 IHEC calendar for 2023 10-01-2023
219 Office Order: Committee for opening of tender (Technical Bid & Financial Bid) and Evaluation of Tender Documents in ABEU 29-12-2022
218 एम्स भोपाल के मरीजों, परिचारकों और कर्मचारियों के लिए कोविड अनुरूप व्यवहार के संबंध में आश्यक सलाह 23-12-2022
217 Office Order: Appointing the officiating Associate Dean (Nursing and Paramedics) on purely Ah-hoc basis 19-12-2022
216 Office Order: Appointing the officiating Dean (Nursing and Paramedics) on purely Ah-hoc basis 19-12-2022
215 Office Order: Duties and responsibilities looked after by the Administrative Officer are herby re-assigned 25-11-2022
214 Office Order: Committee for opening of tender (Technical Bid & Financial Bid) and Evaluation of Tender Documents in ABEU. 29-11-2022
213 संविधान दिवस के अवसर पर 26 नवंबर, 2022 को प्रातः 11.00 बजे भारत के संविधान की उद्देशिका के वाचन के संबंध में । 18-11-2022
212 Committee for opening of Tender (Technical Bid & Financial Bid) and Evaluation of Tender Documents in ABEU. 17-11-2022
211 Working arrangements of Estate affairs at AIIMS,Bhopal. 17-11-2022
210 Office Order: Confirmation of Services of Nursing Officers 22-10-2022
209 Constitution of Medical Records Committee (MRC) for maintenance of Statistical Information and Medical Records in MRD, AIIMS, Bhopal. 17-10-2022
208 Office Order regarding approval of LPC 14-10-2022
207 Constitution of telemedicine/teleconsultation committee (TTC) for the planning and management of activities in CFM, AIIMS Bhopal 13-10-2022
206 Draft Seniority List of the post in the Nursing Cadre (Nursing Officer) at AIIMS Bhopal 13-10-2022
205 Office Order (Grant delegation of Administrative cum Financial Power) 07-10-2022
204 परिपत्र : राष्ट्रपिता श्री महात्मा गाँधी एवं भारत के द्वितीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री लालबहादुर शास्त्री जी की जयंती के अवसर में 02.10.2022 को स्वच्छता पखवाड़े के आरंभ के संबंध में 01-10-2022
203 Notification for 1st Meeting of AIIMS Bhopal Tumor Board 28-09-2022
202 Office Order: Revised Biomedical Waste Management (BMW) Committee 28-09-2022
201 आमंत्रण : हिन्दी पखवाड़ा-2022 के अंतर्गत दिनांक 29-09-2022 को अपराहन 03:00 बजे एलटी-04 में आयोजित मुख्य समारोह के लिए आमंत्रण के संबंध मे 28-09-2022
200 कार्यालय आदेश: हिंदी पखवाड़ा 2022 की विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं के परिणाम 28-09-2022
199 Office Order: Working arrangements with immediate effect for smooth function of Central Stores. 28-09-2022
198 एम्स, भोपाल की राजभाषा पत्रिका “साध्य प्रतिबिंब” के तीसरे अंक के प्रकाशन के संबंध में । 27-09-2022
197 Circular regarding leave applications of Nursing Staff 20-09-2022
196 14 सितंबर, 2022 को हिंदी दिवस के अवसर पर कार्यपालक निदेशक महोदय की ओर से जारी अपील 14-09-2022
195 Final Seniority of the post in the Nursing Cadre (Senior Nursing Officer) at AIIMS, Bhopal. 06-09-2022
194 Office Order: Delegation of Financial Powers of Executive Director, AIIMS,Bhopal to the Medical Superintendent, AIIMS, Bhopal and Deputy Director (Admin), AIIMS,Bhopal. 30-08-2022
193 परिपत्र: एम्स, भोपाल में दिनांक 14 से 29 सितंबर, 2022 के दौरान हिंदी पखवाड़ा के आयोजन के संबंध में 26-08-2022
192 Office Order: Assigning the responsibility of CPIO 23-08-2022
191 परिपत्र: एम्स, भोपाल की राजभाषा पत्रिका “साध्य प्रतिबिंब” के तीसरे अंक के प्रकाशन के संबंध में 23-08-2022
190 "हिंदी पखवाड़ा 2022" के आयोजन हेतु गठित "हिंदी पखवाड़ा आयोजन समिति" के संबंध में 13-08-2022
189 कार्यालय आदेश: विशेष आकस्मिक अवकाश के संबंध में 05-07-2022
188 Office Order for Appointment of Dr. Rupinder Kaur Kanwar, Additional Professor, Department of Translational Medicine, as Associate Dean (Research), AIIMS Bhopal. 16-06-2022
187 Office Order for Appointment of Dr. Ashwani Tandon, Additional Professor, Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine as Associate Dean (Academics), AIIMS Bhopal. 16-06-2022
186 Office Order for Appointment of Dr. T. Karuna, Additional Professor, Department of Microbiology as Associate Dean (Examination), AIIMS Bhopal 16-06-2022
185 SOP for procurements and Hospital Services at AIIMS Bhopal 02-06-2022
184 Office Order: Assigning the duties of In-charge Assistant Administrative Officer 28-05-2022
183 Office Order: Duties/assignments of I/c SE to Shri Sushil Kumar Tiwari, EE(Civil) 14-05-2022
182 Office Order regarding reconstitution of Research Review Board (RRB) 12-05-2022
181 संस्थान में संविधान दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में वर्ग "ए" "बी" एवं "सी" के लिए आयोजित संविधान आधारित वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नोत्तरी प्रतियोगिताओं के परिणाम 05-05-2022
180 Office Memorandum: Draft Seniority List of Senior Nursing Officers-reg 20-04-2022
179 कार्यालय आदेश: श्री अशोक कुमार, प्रशासनिक अधिकारी को सुरक्षा अधिकारी का कार्य सौंपा गया है 19-04-2022
178 कार्यालय ज्ञापन : 14 अप्रैल 2022 को सार्वजनिक अवकाश घोषित किया गया 07-04-2022
177 परिपत्र - स्वछता पखवाडा कार्यक्रम (०१-१५ अप्रैल ) 31-03-2022
176 Office Order: Delegation of Financial Power of Director, AIIMS, Bhopal to the Medical Superintendent AIIMS, Bhopal and Deputy Director (Admin), AIIMS, Bhopal. 30-03-2022
175 Office Order: Assigning the responsibility of CPIO 22-03-2022
174 Admissions in B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing for the Academic Session-2021-Counselling reg. 07-02-2022
173 Circular for celebration of 73th Republic Day at AIIMS Bhopal. 25-01-2022
172 सूचना : एम्स भोपाल में वेबसाइट के माध्यम से छात्रो / अधिकारियो / कर्मचारियों/ विक्रेता/ ठेकेदार के लिए ऑनलाइन भुगतान सुविधा की सूचना बावत 17-01-2022
171 Permanent Medical Board for Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) 07-01-2022
170 Office Order: Delegation of Financial Powers of Director, AIIMS, Bhopal to the Medical Superintendent, AIIMS, Bhopal and Deputy Director (Admin.) AIIMS Bhopal 13-12-2021
169 Circular Regarding Winter Vacation (December 2021) for the MBBS 2020 Batch 10-12-2021
168 अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, भोपाल में संविधान दिवस-2021 के अंतर्गत आयोजित कार्यक्रम के संबंध में 30-11-2021
167 Repatriation of Shri Dhirendra Pratap Singh, Deputy Director Administration, AIIMS Bhopal (Under Suspension) 02-11-2021
166 Relieving of Dr. Bhavna Dhingra, Additional Professor, Department of Paediatrics AIIMS, Bhopal from the additional Charge of In-Charge SPSO, AIIMS, Bhopal. 05-11-2021
165 Relieving of Prof. Rajay N Bharshankar, Department of Physiology AIIMS, Bhopal from the Examination cum Recruitment Cell. 05-11-2021
164 Relieving of Dr. Sunil Chouhan, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology AIIMS, Bhopal from the additional Charge of In-Charge, Security Officer 05-11-2021
163 Regarding Additional Charges given to the Faculty Members of Nursing College, AIIMS, Bhopal 03-11-2021
162 Waiting List of application for allotment of residential accommodation and vacancy status of qtrs. in AIIMS, Bhopal 28-10-2021
161 Circular for issuing Degree Certificates of Students 26-10-2021
160 Regarding functioning of Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) under Translational Medicine Centre AIIMS, Bhopal. 20-10-2021
159 Office Order : Appointment of Prof. Bhavna Sharma, Head Department of Ophthalmology as Dean (Exam) AIIMS, Bhopal. 12-10-2021
158 Waiting list of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation and vacancy status of qtrs in AIIMS housing complex 16-09-2021
157 Launch of e-Office File Management System on 4th October 2021 25-09-2021
156 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा-2021 के अंतर्गत वर्ग ए, बी, एवं सी के लिए आयोजित विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओ के परिणाम के संबंध में। 13-09-2021
155 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा-2021 के अंतर्गत दिनांक 14-09-2021 को अपराहन 3:00 बजे एलटी-04 में आयोजित मुख्य समारोह के लिए आमंत्रण के संबंध मे 13-09-2021
154 Office Order regarding reappropriation of works in the Department of Central Stores, AIIMS, Bhopal 08-09-2021
153 Office Order: Additional Charge to Prof. Vijender Singh, Head, Department of Psychiatry, AIIMS, Bhopal as Prof. In-Charge Examination cum Recruitment Cell. 08-09-2021
152 e-Office Interim Digitization Policy 01-09-2021
151 हिंदी पखवाड़ा-2021 के अवसर पर निदेशक महोदय की ओर से जारी अपील 01-09-2021
150 पुनर्गठित ऑपरेशन थियेटर (ओटी) समिति 01-09-2021
149 संस्थान मे दिनांक 01 सितंबर से 15 सितंबर 2021 के दौरान हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के आयोजन के संबंध मे 25-08-2021
148 Letter No. EO - 257 : Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential Complex at AIIMS Bhopal 09-08-2021
147 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Housing Committee 03-08-2021
146 Office Order: Reconstitution of the Public Relation Cell of AIIMS, BHOPAL. 20-07-2021
145 हिंदी पखवाड़ा 2021 के आयोजन हेतु गठित हिंदी पखवाड़ा आयोजन समिति के संबंध में। 20-07-21
144 अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, भोपाल में विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के अवसर पर आयोजित ऑनलाइन हिंदी निबंध प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम 15-07-2021
143 Relieving of Dr. Mayank Dixit, Deputy Medical Superintendent, AIIMS, Bhopal from the Additional Charge of Stores Officers 09-07-2021
142 वार्षिक हिंदी प्रोत्साहन योजना 2020-21 के अंतर्गत पुरस्कृत किए जा रहे प्रतिभागियों की सूची 07-07-2021
141 Delegation of power to Dean (Research) for the processing files involving procurements under GFR-149,154,155 23-06-2021
140 Corrigendum regarding -reconstitution of Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) of AIIMS, Bhopal 22-06-2021
139 Office Order regarding -reconstitution of Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) of AIIMS, Bhopal 19-06-2021
138 Inviting application for the position of Dean (Exam) at AIIMS, Bhopal 18-06-2021
137 Additional Charge of Prof. In-charge-IT Cell to Prof. Ashwin Ashok Raut, Prof. & Head, Department of TMC AIIMS, Bhopal. 18-06-2021
136 Office Order regarding Opening of Non COVID Services at AIIMS, Bhopal. 11-06-2021
135 Seat Matrix for M.Sc. Nursing 2021 Session 10-06-2021
134 Circular - Mandatory Electives in MBBS program 11-06-2021
133 विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के अवसर पर वर्ग ए, बी एवं सी के संकाय सदस्यों/अधिकारियों/कर्मचारियों के लिए आयोजित ऑनलाइन हिंदी निबंध प्रतियोगिता से संबंधित प्रश्न पत्र (तत्काल) 05-06-2021
132 दिनांक 05 जून 2021 को पर्यावरण दिवस के अवसर पर वर्ग "ए" "बी" एवं "सी" के संकाय सदस्यों, अधिकारियों एवं कर्मचारियों के लिए आयोजित ऑनलाइन हिंदी निबंध प्रतियोगिता के संबंध में 02-06-2021
131 Cancellation of Summer Vacation 2021 for all students at AIIMS Bhopal 31-05-2021
130 Office Order No. AIIMS/Bhopal/Staff Council/2021/306 regarding reconstitution of Staff Council 27-05-2021
129 Recruitment of Non-Academic Junior Residents for 3 months 21-05-2021
128 Notice regarding MD/MS Professional Examination 11-05-2021
127 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 06-05-2021
126 Reconstitution of Task Force Committee constituted for management of COVID-19 16-04-2021
125 EO-158 : Regarding Occupancy and Vacancy Report 16-04-2021
124 Office Order regarding Additional Charge to Prof. Rajesh Pasricha as Prof. In-Charge Central Stores and Dr. Murali M as Faculty In-Charge for Drugs and Pharmacy Stores and relieving of Dr. Lakshmi Prasad as Prof. In-Charge Central Stores and Pharmacy Stores and Dr. Jyoti Nath Modi as Faculty In-Charge for Drugs and Pharmacy Stores 16-04-2021
123 Nomination of Dy. Director (Admin.) AIIMS, Bhopal as the Nodal Officer for liaisoning with the State Government and AIIMS, Bhopal for the COVID Management 16-04-2021
122 Conversion of AIIMS, Bhopal as tertiary level Dedicated COVID Hospital (DCH) 16-04-2021
121 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 13-04-2021
120 कार्यालय ज्ञापन: डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर के जयंती के अवसर सार्वजनिक अवकाश के संबंध में 05-04-2021
119 Office Order regarding relieving of Dr. Manisha Shrivastava, Medical Superintendent, AIIMS Bhopal upon end of deputation period 01-04-2021
118 संस्थान में संविधान दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में वर्ग "ए" "बी" एवं "सी" के लिए आयोजित संविधान आधारित विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं के परिणाम के संबंध में 22-03-2021
117 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 12-03-2021
116 EO-93 : Regarding Occupancy and Vacancy Report 08-03-2021
115 संविधान दिवस के अंतर्गत वर्ग सी कर्मचारियों के लिए आयोजित ई-हिंदी निबंध प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र (तत्काल) 16-02-2021
114 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 06-02-2021
113 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 19-01-2021
112 संविधान दिवस के अंतर्गत वर्ग "बी" अधिकारियों/कर्मचारियों के लिए आयोजित हिन्दी निबंध प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र 19-01-2021
111 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 09-01-2021
110 Office Order regarding applications for the position of Dean Exam at AIIMS, Bhopal 30-12-2020
109 Relieving Order : Shri Benny Abraham, Registrar, AIIMS, Bhopal (on deputation) on the completion of deputation period 28-12-2020
108 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 23-12-2020
107 Office Order regarding reconstitution of the Hospital Management Board (HMB) AIIMS, Bhopal 23-12-2020
106 संविधान दिवस के अंतर्गत वर्ग ए अधिकारियों के लिए आयोजित हिन्दी निबंध प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र 10-12-2020
105 एम्स भोपाल की राजभाषा पत्रिका साध्य प्रतिबिंब के दूसरे अंक के प्रकाशन के संबंध में 08-12-2020
104 Closing of COVID telecall centre services 08-12-2020
103 Office Order for B.Sc. (H) Nursing 2020 Admission 19-11-2020
102 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 10-11-2020
101 Regarding the Charge of Prof. In-charge Examination cum Recruitment Cell 09-11-2020
100 Appointment of Prof. Arneet Arora, Head Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (FMT) as Dean (Exam) AIIMS, Bhopal. 03-11-2020
99 Appointment of Prof. Debasis Biswas, Head Department of Microbiology AIIMS, Bhopal as Dean (Research) AIIMS, Bhopal. 03-11-2020
98 Appointment of Prof. Rajesh Malik, Head Department of Radiodiagnosis as Dean (Academics) AIIMS, Bhopal. 03-11-2020
97 परिपत्र: केन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग के निर्देशों से संबन्धित जानकारी प्रशासन में उपलब्ध कराने के संबंध में 31-10-2020
96 सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह के अंतर्गत अधिकारियों एवं कर्मचारियो के लिए आयोजित हैंड पोस्टर मेकिंग प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र 29-10-2020
95 Question paper related to Hindi Essay Competition organized for officers and employees under Vigilance Awareness Week 28-10-2020
94 Waiting List of applicants for allotment of residential accommodation in AIIMS housing complex 07-10-2020
93 Circular Regarding Degree Collection for MBBS 2014, BSc Nursing (Hons) 2015 & 2016 batch 15-9-2020
92 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा 2020 के अंतर्गत वर्ग ए, बी, एवं सी के लिए आयोजित विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओ का परिणाम | 14-9-2020
91 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के अंतर्गत दिनांक 14-09-2020 को आयोजित मुख्य (संक्षिप्त) समारोह के लिए आमंत्रण के संबंध मे 12-09-2020
90 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के अंतर्गत वर्ग सी कर्मचारियों के लिए आयोजित हिन्दी टिप्पण आलेखन एवं पत्राचार प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र 09-09-2020
89 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के अंतर्गत वर्ग सी कर्मचारियों के लिए आयोजित हिन्दी निबंध प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र 08-09-2020
88 कार्यालय आदेश: एम्स हाउसिंग सोसाइटी में आवासीय आवास की प्रतीक्षा सूची। 07-09-2020
87 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के अंतर्गत वर्ग बी अधिकारियों के लिए आयोजित हिन्दी टिप्पण आलेखन एवं पत्राचार प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र 07-09-2020
86 Relieving Order in respect of Sh. Vishal Kumar Gupta, I/c. SAO, AIIMS, Bhopal 05-09-2020
85 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के अंतर्गत वर्ग बी अधिकारियों/कर्मचारियों के लिए आयोजित हिन्दी निबंध प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र 04-09-2020
84 हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के अंतर्गत वर्ग ए अधिकारियों के लिए आयोजित हिन्दी टिप्पण आलेखन एवं पत्राचार प्रतियोगिता से संबन्धित प्रश्न पत्र 03-09-2020
83 Question paper related to Hindi essay competition organized for class A officers under Hindi Pakhwara 02-09-2020
82 Appeal: Hindi Pakhwada - 2020 31-08-2020
81 Circular: Regarding Procurement through E-Tendering Process 24-8-2020
80 Office Memorandum: Revision of flat rate of license fee for General Pool Residential Accomodation (GPRA) 24-8-2020
79 Circular related to Hindi Pakhwada Events-2020 20-08-2020
78 Circular: Regarding 74th Independence Day Celebration 11-08-2020
77 Office Order: Regarding the constitution of Hindi Pakhwara Organizing Subcommittee 24-07-2020
76 Office Order regarding CPIOs for various sections/subjects 10-07-2020
75 Office Order: Change of PIO (Procurement & Stores) 09-07-2020
74 Guidelines For Employees Reporting For Joining at AIIMS, Bhopal. 06-07-2020
73 Incentive scheme for performing official work originally in Hindi by officers / employees at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal. 06-07-2020
72 Office Order Regarding Reconstitution of Space Committee, AIIMS, Bhopal 04-07-2020
71 Office Order : Result of Environmental Essay Competition 25-06-2020
70 Information: Environmental Essay Competition 05-06-2020
69 Circular: Environmental Essay Competition Event 03-06-2020
68 Office Order - various constitution based competitions 12-03-2020
67 Postponed notice of the constitution based main program 13-04-2020
66 Office Order: Joining of Mrs. Maxie Martis on Post of Associate Professor 30-03-2020
65 Office Order: Joining of Mr. Anurag Bhai Patidar on Post of Associate Professor 30-03-2020
64 Office Order regarding Appointment of Employees as PIO under RTI Act, 2005 27-03-2020
63 Office Order - Joining of Dr J. Lakshmi P, Additional Professor Dept of Hospital Administration, AIIMS, Bhopal 24-03-2020
62 Curtailment of outpatient services amid COVID 19 preparedness at AIIMS Bhopal 20-03-2020
61 Office Memorandum for Cancellation/Refusal of Leave with HQ Permission 14-03-2020
60 Office Memorandum for Holding of press conferences/talking to media by the Faculty/Officers/employees of AIIMS Bhopal 11-02-2020
59 Office Memorandum for Working days and Duty timings 30-01-2020
58 Circular for Duty timing at AIIMS Hospital Bhopal 13-01-2020
57 Information: Various constitution based competitions in hindi 23-12-2019
56 Circular - Check list for AON, Financial & Payment Concurrence 26-10-2019
55 Office order - Hindi Pakhwada - 2019 30-08-2019
54 Hindi Pakhwada Celebration -2019 31-07-2019
53 Office Memorandum:One type below residential accommodation in AIIMS Bhopal Campus 15-06-2020
52 Office Order:PIO and First Appellate Authority to deal with Central Stores 24-05-2019
51 Director's Message for People of Bhopal On Diwali Occasion
50 Ofice Order:Faculty Members/Officers appointed as PIO and First Appellate Authority to deal with RTI 10-10-2018
49 Circular regarding OPD Registration at AIIMS Bhopal 18-09-18
48 Circular regarding Hindi Pakhwada at AIIMS Bhopal 31-08-2018
47 Circular regarding Hospital Management Board at AIIMS Bhopal 16-08-2018
46 Office Order regarding AIIMS Bhopal Staff Council 07-08-2018
45 Office Order regarding Constitution of Medical Board 21-07-2018
44 Office Memorandum regarding Director"s Grievance Redressal Hearing on the 5th of every month 20-07-2018
43 Circular regarding International Yoga Day 08-06-2018
42 Circular regarding Essay Competition on International Yoga Day 08-06-2018
41 Circular regarding Slogan Competition on International Yoga Day 08-06-2018
40 Topics of Speakers on International Yoga Day 08-06-2018
39 Office Order regarding Public Relation Officer of AIIMS Bhopal 12-05-2018
38 Circular regarding Promotion of Generic Medicines in AIIMS Bhopal 09-05-2018
37 Office Order parking of vehicles 13-11-2017
36 Office Order regarding Swachhta Action Plan 24-10-2017
35 Circular regarding Cough & Cold OPD at AIIMS Bhopal 07-09-2017
34 ??????? : ????? ?????? ?? ????? (? - ?? ???????) 31-08-2017
33 Circular for change in time of token distribution for OPD Registration 21-08-2017
32 Celebration of 71st Independence Day 12-08-2017
31 Office Memorandum regarding E-Hospital. 02-08-2017
30 ???????? ??????? “????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ?? ??????? ??? ” 31-07-2017
29 3rd International Yoga Day Celebration at AIIMS Bhopal 17-06-2017
28 Circular Regarding Prescription of Medicines with Generic Name 18-04-2017
27 Circular Regarding Use of Generic Medicines issued by MoHFW. 18-04-2017
26 Circular Regarding Upgraded Blood Storage Facilty at AIIMS Bhopal 19-04-2017
25 Internal Circular Regarding Prescription of Medicines with Generic name 19-04-2017
24 Blood Donation Camp from 7 April to 14 April 2017 in AIIMS Bhopal 06-04-2017
23 AIIMS Bhopal Hindi Cell Committee 29-03-2017
22 Circular regarding CT & MRI Services at AIIMS Bhopal 07-03-2017
20 Participation in Cleanliness Drive as Part of Swachhta Pakhwada on 11.02.2017 09-02-2017
19 Guest lecture on WORLD CANCER DAY on 04.02.2017 at AIIMS Bhopal 01-02-2017
18 SWACHHATA ABHIYAN from 1-15 February 2017 at AIIMS Bhopal 31-01-2017
17 68th Republic Day Celebrations on Thursday,the 26th January 2017 at AIIMS Bhopal. 24-01-2017
16 Digital payment facility available at AIIMS Bhopal. All hospital user charges/ payments may be made digitally. 20-12-2016
15 Notification for Internship of MBBS 2012 Batch 19-12-2016
14 Office Order regarding officials/faculty appointed as PIO & Appellate Authority 02-12-2016
13 Regarding Hon"ble HRM"s Video Conference with VCs/Dirs/Heads of HE institutions 01-12-2016
12 Notification regarding CONSTITUTION DAY CELEBRATIONS 24-11-2016
11 Constitution of Transport Cell at AIIMS Bhopal 11-11-2016
10 Re-Constituted Housing Committee at AIIMS Bhopal 05-11-2016
9 On the occasion of Diwali, guesthouse mess will be closed on Sunday, 30th Oct 2016. 30-10-2016
8 The Department of Pharmacology AIIMS Bhopal, which is the The Regional Training Center for Pharmacovigilance under the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, is conducting an Advance Level Training on Pharmacovigilance cum Coordinators meeting for the states of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh on Saturday 8th October 2016, at AIIMS Bhopal form 9 am to 4.30 pm i the First Floor Board Room. 08-10-2016
7 Circular regarding "Start of Blood bank Services at AIIMS Bhopal" 15-09-2016
6 Office Memorandum Regarding Essay Competition Under Hindi Day 09-09-2016
5 Holiday declared on 13th September 2016 on the ocassion of Id-ul-Zuha 09-09-2016
4 Blood Bank services starting from 5th September 2016 at AIIMS Bhopal 01-09-2016
3 Animal House inauguration at AIIMS Bhopal 27-08-2016
2 Nomination of Nodal Officer for Telemedicine center for AIIMS Bhopal 19-08-2016
1 Celebration of 70th Independence Day 13-08-2016