Inception and Vision of the Department of Pediatric Surgery-
The inception of the Department of Pediatric Surgery transpired in the year 2017 with the incorporation of a single faculty member. Its establishment is underpinned by a visionary commitment to advance the field of pediatric surgery and its sub-specialties through systematic training and research endeavors. The overarching objective is to furnish pediatric surgical patients with healthcare characterized by evidence-based practices, ethical considerations, state-of-the-art methodologies, and financial accessibility.
Current Structure and Services-
The department currently comprises six faculty members, along with senior and junior residents. It actively provides outpatient department (OPD) services on all weekdays, complemented by specialized clinic sessions. To accommodate the needs of its patients, the department operates a dedicated 20-bed Pediatric Surgery ward, equipped with a six-bed high dependency unit (HDU). Furthermore, it maintains separate Pediatric Surgical and Neonatal Surgical intensive care units (ICUs), each with an intake capacity of five beds.
Surgical Expertise and Facilities-
The department boasts two state-of-the-art modular Pediatric Surgery theaters, where a diverse range of surgical procedures are routinely performed. These procedures encompass neonatal surgeries, gastrointestinal (GI) surgeries, cancer surgeries, thoracic surgeries, urological surgeries, and advanced and routine minimal access surgeries, including laparoscopy, bronchoscopy, and cystoscopy. The department is well-equipped with cutting-edge surgical equipment and anticipates commencing robotic procedures within the next year.
Notably, an advanced Video Urodynamic Study Lab is integral to the departments infrastructure.
Academic Excellence and Research-
The department has received approval to conduct a three-year MCh course in Pediatric Surgery, effective from January 2021, with an intake capacity of two trainees every six months. Additionally, a six-year direct MCh program, also with an intake of two trainees per annum, is set to commence from the July 2024 academic session.
The department has published more than 25 research papers in reputed indexed journals in last 3 years. At present following projects are running in the department-
- Laparoscopically Assisted Anorecto-plasty (LAARP) versus Posterior Sagittal Anorecto-plasty (PSARP) for Anorectal Malformations in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- A prospective study to assess the effect of pre incision urethral plate width (UPW) on the outcome of tubularized incised plate (TIP) urethroplasty.
- Study of musculature and innervations of pelviureteric junction complex in patients with pelviureteric junction obstruction.
- Anatomical factors affecting results of Preputioplasty along with Tubularised incised plate urethroplasty for distal hypospadias repair. (PI)
- Assessment of neurodevelopmental outcomes in pediatric patient with Hydrocephalus a prospective observational study.
- Nomogram of Common Bile Duct diameter in children and it’s comparison with pathological entities from Central India, a cross sectional observation study”
- Clinico-epidemiological profile of Disorders of Sex Development presenting to a tertiary care centre
- Nephrostomy with trans anastomotic stent vs DJ stent in pyeloplasty for prlvi-ureteric junction obstruction in children: A prospective observational study. (M Ch Thesis)
- Imprint cytology as an invaluable tool for rapid diagnosis in pediatric solid tumors.
- Evaluation of accuracy of landmark based caudal epidural in pediatric patients: anultrasound based prospective observational study
- Comparison of Erector Spinae Plane Block versus Caudal Epidural Block inpediatric patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery under general anaesthesia –a randomized study
- Effect of fasting on ultrasound assessment of the great vessels in children undergoing surgery under general anesthesia: A prospective observational study.
- Incidence of pre-operative anxiety in Pediatric population and effect of interactive video game in its attenuation- A prospective randomized study.
- Clinico-radiologic evaluation of Inguinoscrotal swellings: An observational study
- Role of Point of care Ultrasonography (POCUS) for confirmation of endotracheal intubation in paediatric patients-a prospective observational study.
- Comparison of two different approaches of ultrasound guided Erector Spinae Plane Block in paediatric patients undergoing general anaesthesia – a randomized study
b.Vision and Mission
The inception of the Department of Pediatric Surgery transpired in the year 2017 with the incorporation of a single faculty member. Its establishment is underpinned by a visionary commitment to advance the field of pediatric surgery and its sub-specialties through systematic training and research endeavors. The overarching objective is to furnish pediatric surgical patients with healthcare characterized by evidence-based practices, ethical considerations, state-of-the-art methodologies, and financial accessibility.
Current Activities
S.No. |
Date |
Name of activity |
Status |
Remark |
Pediatric surgery foundation day
Press meet in cancer awareness
Pediatric surgery forums
Patient StatisticsCurrent
S.No. | Month wise |
Patient seen in OPD (in numbers) |
IPD(total admission) |
Total minor procedures |
Total major procedures |
Remark |
354 (Till 14/02/24)
TILL 15/02/2024 4 PM
For past years(since inception)
S.No. | Month wise |
Patient seen in OPD (in numbers) |
IPD(total admission) |
Total minor procedures |
Total major procedures |
Remark |
Data received from MRD
Data not recorded
Ward closed due to covid on 19/04/2021 and reopened on 13/06/2021
Data not recorded
Started with 10 beds on 25/06/2020