Integrated Diabetes Foot Clinic
G12, G28
OPD Block
Upper Ground Floor
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Dr. Rahul Gupta
It is a clinic dedicated to individuals with diabetes and foot-related abnormalities. Comprehensive clinical services are provided to manage diabetes-related foot disorders in the clinic. In brief, the following services are provided: neuropathy assessment (vibration perception threshold, 10g monofilament, cardiac autonomic neuropathy); vascular assessment (ankle-brachial index, toe brachial index, pulse waveform analysis); wound/ulcer assessment (staging, site appropriate cultures, dressing); dermal temperature assessment using infrared thermometry; podiatry services (callus shaving, nail cutting, management of nail related disorders, shoe size assessment, footwear prescription, wound and patient appropriate offloading etc.). All these services are provided in close collaboration with the Department of General Surgery, Burns-Plastic-Reconstructive Surgery, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Intervention Radiology.
Comprehensive management of diabetes is also provided and includes the following: assessment of dietary habits, glycaemic control, and diabetes-related complications; fundus assessment for diabetic retinopathy and appropriate referral; urine albumin-creatinine ratio and serum creatinine for assessment and classification of diabetic nephropathy and appropriate referral; Lipid Profile.
The following education and counseling services are also provided with the assistance of an educator and dietitian: self-foot care, wound care and dressing, dietary advice, insulin administration, and glucose monitoring.
Transgender Clinic
Room no. 65 to 68
Area G3, Upper Ground Floor, OPD Block
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Dr. Alpesh Goyal
Dr. Rahul Gupta
The Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism provides its service as a part of a multi-disciplinary initiative by the institute.
Adolescent Clinic
Room no. 65 to 68
Area G3, Upper Ground Floor, OPD Block
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Dr. Alpesh Goyal
Dr. Rahul Gupta
The Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism provides its service as a part of a multi-disciplinary initiative by the institute.