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माननीय राज्य मंत्री

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श्री प्रतापराव जाधव
स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय,
भारत सरकार

माननीय राज्य मंत्री

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श्रीमती अनुप्रिया पटेल
स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण व रसायन एवं उर्वरक मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार

अध्यक्ष, एम्स भोपाल

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डॉ. सुनील मलिक
अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान

कार्यपालक निदेशक, एम्स भोपाल

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प्रो. (डॉ.) अजय सिंह
अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान

नया क्या है

14-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Final Eligibility Status for Group-A Faculty Posts Reserved for SC, ST, OBC (Backlog Vacancies) on Direct Recruitment Basis at AIIMS, Bhopal

14-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Final Eligibility Status for filling up of vacancies of Group-A Faculty Posts (Current Vacancies) on Direct Recruitment Basis at AIIMS, Bhopal

14-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Document Verification & Interview Schedule for filling up of vacancies of Group-A Faculty Posts (Current Vacancies) on Direct Recruitment Basis at AIIMS, Bhopal

13-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Document Verification and Interview Schedule: Interview for engagement of Medical Officer (general duty) & Medical Officer (dental) at AIIMS Bhopal on contractual basis

12-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Interview Schedule: Rolling Advertisement of Senior Resident (Non-Academic)

11-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Result: Advertisement for Recruitment to Project Posts (on Contract) project, Strategies for Enhanced Population Engagement and Health Care Seeking for Prevention and Control of Hypertension and Diabetes in India: The STEPS-INDIA Multi-Centre Study at AIIMS Bhopal

10-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Corrigendum - Revised Advertisement : Recruitment of Contractual Staff in ICMR funded extramural project - Clinicopathological and molecular and profiling of adult and Pediatric case of Membranous Nephropathy

10-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Interview for Engagement as Assistant Professor on Contractual Basis in Various Departments at AIIMS Bhopal

10-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Advertisement for the post of Data Entry Operator (DEO) under the ICMR funded project titled "National Registry of Rare and Other Inherited Disorders"

05-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Recruitment Advertisement for Contractual Staff in DHR- ICMR funded Extramural Project:-“ Effect of Thromboelastography® Guided versus Conventional Hemostatic Therapy on Intraoperative Antifibrinolytic and Transfusion requirement in Elective complex spine surgeries- A Randomized, Parallel Arm study.”

05-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Recruitment advertisement for DHR-ICMR research project -"A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Study on the Efficacy of Intravenous versus Peri-tumoral Lignocaine Administration in Attenuating Pro-metastatic Biomarkers in Breast Cancer Patients undergoing Resection: a Step Towards Reducing recurrence”.

04-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Result: Interview for Engagement of Assistant Professor on Contractual Basis in Various Departments at AIIMS Bhopal

03-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Recruitment of Project Technical Support-III in DHR-ICMR funded project - Pan India surveillance for respiratory viruses through DHR-ICMR VRDL Network under National Health Research Program (NHRP) One Health

03-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Result: Advertisement for Written Test/Interview for various contractual posts in a Research project ICMR MASLD

01-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Closing of Recruitment Advertisement/process for the post of Finance & Chief Accounts Officer on Deputation basis at AIIMS, Bhopal

01-February-2025 Blinking New Gif
Cancellation of the recruitment advertisement/ process for the post of Senior Accounts Officer on Deputation basis at AIIMS, Bhopal

29-01-2025 Blinking New Gif
Walk-in-Interview in hybrid mode for the post of Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical) or Walk-in-Written Cum Skill Test for the posts of Project Technical Support Staff-III and Data Entry Operator on purely contractual basis in the extramural research project titled - Designing and implementation of health care model in patients with stage 2 breast cancer funded by ICMR

27-January-2025 Blinking New Gif
PhD Thesis Defence Viva Examination of Ms. Chitra Patankar Department-Microbiology on 08th February 2025

27-Janury-2025 Blinking New Gif

24-January-2025 Blinking New Gif
Result: Post of Project Assistant in a GIA-DHR funded research project - Prototype Testing and clinical validation of a device for mass-screening of women for premalignant and malignant lesions of the cervix in community settings using multiple biomarkers

23-January-2025 Blinking New Gif
Final eligibility list for the post of Technical Assistant/Technician & Radiographic Technician Gr-I on direct recruitment basis at AIIMS, BHOPAL Common Recruitment Examination for AIIMS (CRE-AIIMS)

23-January-2025 Blinking New Gif
Advertisement of Junior Resident (Non-Academic)

23-January-2025 Blinking New Gif
Eligibility Status for Faculty posts against Backlog vacancy: Recruitment Notification dated 28.08.2023

23-January-2025 Blinking New Gif
Eligibility Status for Faculty posts against Current vacancy: Recruitment Notification dated 29.08.2023

21-01-2025 Blinking New Gif
Result:Recruitment of Staff in ICMR funded INTEGRATED RESEARCH AND DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY (IRDL) Strengthening and up gradation of existing VRDLs for infectious disease diagnosis and research

18-Jan-2025 Blinking New Gif
Recruitment advertisement for ad-hoc research project- Impact cost- effectiveness, and sustainability of a synergistic, multipronged, customized, low-cost intervention package (IP) to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden among diverse populations across India.

15-Jan-2025 Blinking New Gif
Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) 2024 for Recruitment to the various Group-B & C posts

14-January-2025 Blinking New Gif
Advertisement for Recruitment to Project Posts (on Contract) project, Strategies for Enhanced Population Engagement and Health Care Seeking for Prevention and Control of Hypertension and Diabetes in India: The STEPS-INDIA Multi-Centre Study at AIIMS Bhopal

13-January-2025 Blinking New Gif

11-January-2025 Blinking New Gif
Interview for Engagement of Assistant Professor on Contractual Basis in Various Departments at AIIMS Bhopal


red color box  Closed Holiday    green color box   Restricted Holiday   
हमारी सेवाएँ